Completed Pavings include:

- Camp John Hope Road

- Norwood Springs Road

- Clopine Lake Road

- North Peach Park

- Kewanee Drive

- West Seminole Drive

- East Seminole Drive

- Rum Road

- Old Hickory Road

Additional work will occur periodically on each road after paving including shoulder dressing, grassing, and permanent striping.

Please note that the schedule will change based on weather and progress, and will be updated as needed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue these projects!


Completed Pavings include:

- Camp John Hope Road

- Norwood Springs Road

- Clopine Lake Road

- North Peach Park

Additional work will occur periodically on each road after paving including shoulder dressing, grassing, and permanent striping. North Peach Park is scheduled to be striped August 15th-19th.

The schedule will change based on weather and progress, and will be updated weekly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue these projects!


1. Norwood Springs Road - Complete

2. Camp John Hope Road - Complete

3. Clopine Lake Roaq - Currently paving. Projected date of completion is August 8th.

4. North Peach Park - August 9th-10th.

5. Willow Lake Road - August 15th-17th.

6. Park & Industrial - August 18th-19th.

7. Buckeye Road - August 22nd-September 2nd.

Please note that the schedule will change based on weather and progress, and will be updated weekly.


1. Norwood Springs Road - Complete

2. Camp John Hope Road - Complete

3. Clopine Lake Road - August 1st - August 8th

4. Willow Lake Road - August 9th - August 12th

5. North Peach Park - Earth work is to be completed August 3rd. Paving is projected to be completed August 12th. Striping is scheduled thereafter.

Thank you for your patience as we continue this project. Photos to come!



One contract for Road Resurfacing Project has been signed, and we are ready to get boots on the ground!  Construction crews will start work at the North Peach Park Parking Lot (SPLOST) this week and early next week.  The following schedule was given to us by the contractor:

  1. Clopine Lake Road (SPLOST) – starting Friday, July 15, most likely July 18
  2. Norwood Springs Road
  3. Camp John Hope Road
  4. Willow Lake Road
  5. South Peach Park & Industrial Road

We will update you as soon as we receive new information. Thank you!

UPDATE - MAY 11, 2022

Bids were opened on May 5, 2022 at 2 p.m., at which point all information was gathered to be reviewed by the engineering firms.

On May 9, 2022, the review committee met to review all bids submitted to assure that all paperwork was submitted and accepted.

On May 10, 2022, the review committee made a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners during the Regular Board of Commissioners Meeting.

The Board of Commissioners accepted the recommendation of the review committee and accepted bids from Reams and Robinson to resurface roads in Peach County.

What follows is the signing of the contracts by the Chairman, which we hope to complete in the next two (2) weeks.

Below is a list of roads that will be completed in the first phase of the T-SPLOST resurfacing projects. Further information will be posted as soon it becomes available.

Two (2) companies are completing the resurfacing of the roads, and the work should take six to nine months, weather permitting.

Road Name Length
Clopine Lake Rd 3.25 miles
Preston Rd .04 miles
Lakeview Rd 5.5 miles
North Peach Park Parking Lot Phase 1  
Taylors Mill Rd Phase 1 .03 miles
Buckeye Rd Phase 1-5 7.16 miles
Camp John Hope Phase 1 1.4 miles
Carver Dr.  1.4 miles
Industrial Blvd/S Park Rd loop .5 miles
Knoxville St.  .25 miles
Mathews Rd .65 miles
Norwood Springs Rd 3.1 miles
Woolfolk Rd 2.25 miles
Lane Rd .05 miles
Taylors Mill Rd Phase 2 3.25 miles
E. Seminole 1.25 miles
Willow Lake Rd 1.75 miles
Old Hickory Rd .75 miles
Old Oak Rd .55 miles
Red Oak Rd .60 miles
Rum Rd/Main Street 1.4 miles
West Seminole Loop 1.05 miles
Hartley Rd 1.25 miles
State University Dr 2.5 miles
Sylvan Dell Rd .05 miles
Roger Dr .06 miles
Sherwood Blvd .65 miles
Sudan Rd .55 miles
Fort Drive .02 miles
Peach Rd .63 miles
Valley Rd .63 miles
Fieldcrest Rd .65 miles
Powersville Rd Phase 1 2.5 miles
River Rd 6.75 miles
Champagne Dr.  .03 miles
Housers Mill Rd 1.2 miles
Sledge Rd .62 miles
Jones Rd 1.45 miles
Kay Rd 1.65 miles
Bible Camp Rd 2.4 miles
Burnette Rd 3.15 miles
E. Wesley Chapel Rd 1.1 miles
Hedgerow Circle .65 miles
W. Wesley Chapel Rd 1.1 miles
Moseley Rd 7.2 miles



Since the Voters of Peach County’s approval of the T-SPLOST and the Bond Issue November 2, 2022, the Peach County Board of Commissioners has been working with the Bond Counsel to complete a Bond Issue.  The estimated completion date is March 30, 2022.  At the same time, the Board has been working with two engineering groups to engineer the resurfacing of the majority of the roads listed as primary.   The Engineering group has completed their work, and we are going out for a bid on March 23, 2022.  The listing of the bids will be in the local organ (The Leader Tribune) and on our website.  We have to run those ads for 30 days.  

We will update further as we progress. Thank you!

The transportation system throughout Peach County is the single most important and expensive infrastructure system to build and maintain. Our county roads and city streets are used daily by the traveling public. The construction and maintenance of this transportation system is vitally important to the quality of life of the residents of our community, and its attractiveness to industry and commerce.

The residents of Peach County, including those who live in the City of Byron and City of Fort Valley, could take advantage of the Single-County Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (T-SPLOST) for addressing multiple transportation concerns. From paving and resurfacing numerous streets in the City of Byron, City of Fort Valley, and the unincorporated area of Peach County. One hundred percent of the funds collected by this initiative will be spent on transportation projects in this community.

Peach County Chairman Martin Moseley, Mayor Michael Chidester, and Mayor Barbara Williams have signed an Intergovernmental Agreement that clears a hurdle for a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for Transportation purposes to go before voters. On June 8, the Peach County Board of Commissioners met formally to call for the item to be placed on the November 2, 2021, ballot.

All Peach voters will consider a 1 cent sales tax that would authorize transportation projects like streets and roads, overpasses, traffic control improvements, and more. The proceeds from this 5-year T-SPLOST is projected at a maximum $27 million. Peach County, the City of Byron, and Fort Valley have agreed to share the funds with a 62.93% (Peach County) 16.76% (City of Byron), 17.23% (City of Fort Valley) 1.89% (City of Warner Robins), 1.19% (City of Perry) split and selected projects that are important to each jurisdiction.

This website provides information about the T-SPLOST initiative, including an overview of the legislation that made this initiative possible, a list of potential projects to be funded by this initiative and more.





The  Transportation Investment Act (TIA) passed by the legislature in 2010 provided an opportunity for regions throughout Georgia to impose a 1 percent Regional Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) to fund transportation improvements within their region.

To provide another transportation funding option, the Georgia General Assembly passed a Single County TSPLOST in 2015. The Single County TSPLOST allows individual counties that are not part of a regional effort to levy a sales tax solely dedicated for transportation purposes.

To qualify for a Single County TSPLOST, the county must already impose a regular SPLOST. TSPLOST is meant to meet a transportation need above and beyond regular SPLOST or to free up regular SPLOST for non-transportation related capital projects. Single County TSPLOST can be levied up to five years at a fractional rate up to 1 percent in .05 percent increments if there is an intergovernmental agreement with the qualified cities within the county.

If there is no intergovernmental agreement in place, the tax can only be levied up to .75 percent. With no intergovernmental agreement in place, the default distribution formula between the county and its cities is a formula based on the amount of expenditures made for transportation in the most recent three fiscal years.

A Regional TSPLOST allows for the tax to be levied up to 10 years and 25 percent of the funds are discretionary money that goes back to each individual local government. An incentive to pass a Regional TSPLOST is that the Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) match is 10 percent in contrast to the 30 percent required for non-regional TSPLOST local government.



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